Photography 101 for Entrepreneurs

Turn Your Smartphone into Your Own Personal Branding Bestie and engage your audience.

Is your lack of confidence with a camera holding your business back?

If you answered FALSE and you are a coach OR service provider wanting to create transformation for clients, then you are in the right place at JUST the right time.

You don’t have to be a photographer to tell a story.

There are times you should hire a pro-photographer if you want your brand to stand out.

However, when it comes to your daily life and creating on the fly, your audience wants to see you as the story of your brand.

You are the one with access to your daily life.

And the real you. 

HI! I’m Alpana Aras, a visual storyteller, photographer, and brand coach.

Who am I and why should you listen to me?

In case you’ve never heard of me **horrified gasp**, here’s why: I’m uniquely & firmly qualified to tell you everything you had ever wanted to know about Visual Storytelling with your Smartphone.

Apple commissioned this image to be used in their Shot on iPhone campaign.

I have spent countless hours honing my craft as an award-winning photographer to help businesses like yours go from boring images to iconic, scroll stopping impactful content. I have worked with hundreds of corporate clients, and small businesses, including passionate female entrepreneurs who go from struggling to stand out online authentically as little as weeks and months through story-driven photography.

I created this program because women struggle to BE.SEEN everyday in their visual brand and don’t know how to use the camera in their pocket.  

Featured In


THE ONLY Supportive TWELVE-week online entrepreneurial COACHING PROGRAM helping you gain confidence, build community, create a library of images, and offers accountability as you LEARN to BE.SEEN through our exclusive framework.

Let’s get very clear on something right away.

The internet for photographers is overloaded with so-called photography gurus who promise the world to anyone who gives them a few dollars and promises of unlimited success.

Perhaps you’re getting tired of purchasing course after course, hoping to find the right fit while blinded by shiny object syndrome.

You know that you should take better photos. But you never seem to have the time.

Having to pay big bucks for professional photos every time you need cool new content

I am standing here, game face on, neck on the line to say to you loudly and clearly, YOU DO NOT.

Because despite doing all of those things, it is entirely probable that you will end up your images are boring and not making the impact to tell your authentic story.

You will find yourself wasting time when you could be making money in your zone of genius. You will spend thousands of dollars on something you could probably learn to do yourself with little effort.

And who wants that? Exactly. No one.
Here are the facts:

Pocket Photography is THE ONLY Interactive group program that allows you to become confident visual storytellers.

There is no other Group Coaching that interactive hand-holding course that takes you from sub-zero to iPhone master to whip out storytelling brand content

With Pocket Photography

You are not only actively thumbing your nose at these so-called experts but also getting the ironclad assurance that you learn to shoot better photos and put your best foot forward.


Think about that before you click away…


...Recognizing great shots in the moment and building a library you can pull from at anytime

...Watching current and future clients engage with photos you’re proud to post

...Feeling like the camera — and your clients — see you the way your best friend does

...Building a library of usable images for professional and personal use that you can pull from any time.

...Integrating your everyday pictures with your professionally captured branded images so they don’t stick out like a sore thumb

Hear What Clients Have to Say...

 I’ve had the good fortune of working with many talented photographers and I put Alpana in a category by herself. She captured me at my very best and in ways that were natural and not forced. She created a visual story to support my brand in all of its nuances and the compliments from those who view my site continue today.
~ Sheila L


Step-by-Step BE.SEEN Framework

The difference between a flat photo and one that slows your client’s scroll ultimately comes down to just a few factors you can control. Learn how in my step-by-step, easy-to-complete course designed for the busy entrepreneur.

In it, I distill my nearly 30+ years of experience as a photographer into a formula designed to teach you to S.E.E. — set the stage, evaluate, and examine. Think of it as a Masterclass for the time-starved.

Pocket Photography Group Coaching

Three-month coaching program with a community of like-minded female entrepreneurs.


Pre-Planning Guide

Get started with your pre-panning guide

Step-by-Step Video Tutorials

Designed for even the most non-techie that will walk you through everything you need to know to create your beautiful images.

Equipment List

Grab your equipment list with simple and easy to start-with tools for success.

Private Facebook Group

A private Facebook Group, once the program starts,  for support and connection with the community.

Behind the Scenes Live Videos


+ FREE Closed Facebook Group Membership

FREE access to our closed Facebook Group where you can get technical help, inspire and get inspired by other like-minded entrepreneurs, and get unique and exclusive new training regularly (on subject such as branding and marketing, Facebook Ads, how do webinars to grow your business etc.)

+ BONUS Accountability  ONLY if you order before the timer below expires!

Let’s get very clear on something right away.

ONE- You can decide to do nothing, and keep running after the gurus hoping they will help you crack the code of Scroll-Stopping Imagery but we both know that’s a one-way, no refund ticket to NOville.


TWO- You can try to solve this issue on your own…it might work…actually it will work better than what you have been doing…but something tells me “better” isn’t good enough…right?

This is your chance to have the answer that interactive hand-holding program that takes you from sub-zero to iPhone master to whip out storytelling brand content.


Using natural light in your everyday surroundings to create compelling images with zero setups and cost.


How to cut through the noise and stand out in a saturated market.

Who is this for?

The internet for photographers is overloaded with so-called photography gurus who promise the world to anyone who gives them a few dollars and promises of unlimited success.

Perhaps you’re getting tired of purchasing course after course, hoping to find the right fit while blinded by shiny object syndrome.

You know that you should take better photos. But you never seem to have the time.

Having to pay big bucks for professional photos every time you need cool new content

I am standing here, game face on, neck on the line to say to you loudly and clearly, YOU DO NOT.

Because despite doing all of those things, it is entirely probable that you will end up your images are boring and not making the impact to tell your authentic story.

You will find yourself wasting time when you could be making money in your zone of genius. You will spend thousands of dollars on something you could probably learn to do yourself with little effort.

And who wants that? Exactly. No one.
Here are the facts:

Pocket Photography is THE ONLY Interactive group program that allows you to become confident visual storytellers.

There is no other Group Coaching that interactive hand-holding course that takes you from sub-zero to iPhone master to whip out storytelling brand content

With Pocket Photography

You are not only actively thumbing your nose at these so-called experts but also getting the ironclad assurance that you learn to shoot better photos and put your best foot forward.


Think about that before you click away…

This all sounds great But…

Is the Pocket Photography Group Program as good as it sounds?

We don’t do overnight makeovers but help make a shift toward long-term creativity even if you are not a fan of taking pictures. This program is for women entrepreneurs who want a sustainable stream of results and ready to put in the work.

I am not sure I have the time right now.

We understand that as business owners you wear many hats and lead busy lives. If you can’t make it to the live session, don’t worry, we’ll send you a link to watch the recording to watch later. Once you learn how your smartphone camera can be used taking photos will be easy peasy! This program is your portal toward sustainable results while feeling connected to your story.

What if I need help?

You are not in this alone and we will work together as a community! In our Facebook Group you will also find support and ton of answers, tutorials and videos for additional things and features people have asked for already. You are not alone on this journey and we have yet to leave anyone “stuck” with an issue!

I am not a photographer - am I still a good candidate for the program?

YES! This program is designed for a service provider that is a course creator, freelancer, or coach. If you feel relatively comfortable with your smartphone and can follow instructions, you can create your own gorgeous images! Will it be difficult? Maybe, at times, but just stay calm, follow the instructions and carry on, you can do it! If you encounter any issues, just contact us and we will be happy to help you figure it out or you can simply ask your question in our FREE closed Facebook Group (open to all the group participants).

Why does the program cost so much?

Your investment is about you. Think of it as a mastermind that will provide the opportunity for you to create connections and help you feel seen. 

In order to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed, we will grant access to each course over the length of the program as they apply to the live trainings.

After taking various courses, I wanted to design a course that can take you to completion. Think of it as a mastermind for that will provide the opportunity to create connections and help you feel seen. It is not just a how-to

Do you offer a Money Back Guarantee?

We want you to be completely excited, happy, and delighted with your Pocket Photography Group Coaching purchase, which is why we are happy to jump on a call to ensure it is a good fit. 

Who is the Pocket Photography Group Course for?

For almost everyone! Pocket Photography was designed with solopreneurs in mind but is not limited to a specific industry or even to a product or service-based businesses. If you own your own business (online and/or offline) and want to grow your online presence (even if you have a brick and mortar), then the Pocket Photography Coaching Program will most likely be a great fit!

Hairstylist, accountant, business coach, yoga instructor, author, wedding planner, soap maker, editor, marketing strategist, copywriter, mortgage adviser, home organizer, jewelry maker, fitness coach, chiropractor… You name it – this program is for you!


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